Monday, November 24, 2008

Asians and its defination...

It got me thinking the other day that when we say asians the images that pops out is a chinese person... why is that??? the defination of asian, is people from the asian continent!!! So why does eveyone assume that it has to be a chinese... I have no issues with my fello chinese brothers but dont u think its a little racists... the asian continent also contains indians, malays, phillipinos, indonesian and so on.. So why do the Americans classify the chinese race as asians??? ok some may say that the most highest population are the chinese people but i beg to differ... indians and indonesians are also a large population. Everytime i open a webpage or a porn site i find that all the girls or guys who are chinese or atleast yellow skinned are considered asians and then when u see an indian person they label them straight as INDIAN not asians even though we are still under the asian continent... whats up with that??? I still cant understand whats that all about... I find all this Americans always believing what they want to believe and seeing what they want to see.... any of u guys know why is it like that, send in comments.... 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chew's Bday Celebration at Happy Cafe.

Here are a few pics from chews bday celebration at happy cafe OUG...

La Sallian Gathering

Every year end we have a la sallian gathering where all lasallian brothers meet and have dinner and catch up on what going on in everyone's life. We were at Summers BBQ and steam boat last night and boy did i eat... i was sitting there literally hogging all the food and mantis prawns till we built a pyramid of shells. After having dessert we were talking and catching up on old time and how everyone has changed in many different ways. It was good seeing the guys after such a long time since we left school. After dinner we went to Happy Cafe cause it was chew's birthday so we had beer and some tid-bits to munch on, everyone was satisfied with dinner and supper so we decided to call an end to the gathering and went to tapau burger Ramli since we were a little hungry after all the beers. Here are some pic of the night:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jeram Perlus Hiking trip....

Me and my friends went hiking at Jeram perlus on monday... as usual we would wake up early around 3.30am and get all our gear ready and then drive to the nearest mamak and have our breakfast. After doing that we would continue out journey to jeram perlus using the congkak\gabai route. it was out first time going to that place so we were a lil unsure of the area and spent some time looking for the orang asli residence... and we did find it eventually, the time was 6plus and after parking the car and getting out, the orang asli were looking at us like we weren't human hehehe.... they did say that they dont get much visitors so its acceptable.... we started walking towards the trail and there was fish ponds and a pen that held a porcupine.... it was early so we din get to see it... we continued on, unsure which trail to take since there were a few.... so we walked here and there and eventually found the right route... the view was amazing with the sun rising and the light hitting the trees with  a low dense fog... just amazing... i'll be back with pictures and more posts regarding jeram perlus.

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